
When I was a little lad I attended the Etruria British School until the age of 13, when I left and I operated a steam hammer at the Etruria Forge. When I was 17 I went to Liverpool to follow the footsteps of my half-brother Joseph Hancock, a captain on a sailing ship. There I began my apprenticeship on Senator Weber, owned by A Gibson & Co. of Liverpool. From there I joined the White Star Line in March 1880 as the Fourth Officer of SS Celtic. In 1887, I received his first White Star command, the Republic. A year after I earned my Extra Master’s Certificate and joined the Royal Naval Reserve qualifying as a full Lieutenant. I later became a proud commander in the Royal Naval Reserve. In 1985 i commanded the Majestic for 9 years and earned the Transport medal during the Boer War in 1944. In 1904, I was given command of the largest ship in the world, the Baltic for 3 years then the Adriatic, which I received the Royal Naval Reserve’s long service decoration, along with a promotion to Commander rank. After gaining experience and reputation I was finally given command the Olympic, the largest vessel in the world. Now I will be commanding the ship Titanic.

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